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updated 09/04/01

This is a new feature that lists calls for conference papers, and invitations to contribute to electronic and hard copy journals. Entries welcomed from conference organisers and editors and should be sent to [email protected]


The Journal of Southern Academic and Special Librarianship

JSASL is an independent, professional, refereed electronic journal dedicated to advancing knowledge and research in the areas of academic and special librarianship. JSASL is distributed by the International Consortium for Alternative Academic Publication (ICAAP) in Athabasca, Alberta, Canada The Journal of Southern Academic and Special Librarianship is looking for manuscripts for possible publication in the future. Guidelines for publication in JSASL are located at


The New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship

The editors are currently seeking articles for this year's edition of the New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship. This is an international journal designed to explore the range of issues of current concern to those working in the fields of children's literature and children's librarianship around the world. They are interested in papers offering critical assessments of literature for children and adolescents; the management of library services for children and adolescents; education issues affecting library services; information technology; user education and the promotion of services; staff education and training; collection development and management; book and media selection; research in literature and library services for children and adolescents.

The editors will be pleased to consider for publication original manuscripts which deal with any of this broad range of themes. Papers should not have been published previously, or submitted elsewhere simultaneously. Papers presented at conferences may be considered if they are unlikely to be published in a conference proceedings volume. The deadline for papers is Tuesday 31st July 2001.

Please contact:
Debbie Denham or Dr. Glen Mynott
School of Information Studies
University of Central England
Perry Barr
Birmingham B42 2SU
[email protected]; [email protected]


Information Research

Information Research ( - an international electronic scholarly journal - is calling for papers for a special issue on Competitive Intelligence and Environmental Scanning to be published in September 2001. The aim of this special issue is to stimulate research on CI and ES and to highlight significant recent research in these fields. Both empirical and theoretical submissions are invited. Authors should submit their papers by e-mail no later than May 31, 2001 to:

Chun Wei Choo ([email protected]) and Pierrette Bergeron ([email protected]).

Authors should prepare their papers following the guidelines available on the Information Research homepage at Every submission will be reviewed according to the review process of Information Research. Upon acceptance, authors must submit the final version of their papers using the HTML template available from the Information Research homepage at


The ACE Journal

This is a juried publication of the NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English, USA) Assembly on Computers in English published twice each year. The editor seeks articles that relate to teaching English at all levels (primary through graduate school) with the aid of computers. All areas of English studies and language arts are of interest. Individual editions of the journal focus on themes that the Assembly has identified as important to the profession. Deadlines and publications dates are best guesses and contingent upon sufficient numbers of articles being accepted for publication.

Volume 3 Issue 2 (published July 2001): Design, Discovery, and Serendipity in Computer-Based Classrooms. Deadline for submissions, 15 June 2001.

Volume 4 Issue 1 (published December 2001): What Computers Can (and Cannot) Do in the English Classroom. Deadline for submissions, 15 November 2001.

The journal publishes research reports, scholarly essays, action-research reports, and reviews of software and books. Submissions should not currently be under review by other publications; length is generally from 2500-5000 words; documentation conforms to the MLA or APA guidelines; documents should conform to the NCTE guidelines for non-sexist language

Contact the Editor ( [email protected]) for more information.



Nupedia ( is an online encyclopedia project that aims to build what is hoped will become the world's largest international, peer-reviewed encyclopedia. The project has attracted some distinguished volunteers - over 80 Ph.D. editors and peer reviewers from around the world thus far - and invites the involvement of additional qualified contributors to serve as editors, writers, peer reviewers, copyeditors, or observers.


Call for papers - Academic Exchange Quarterly

T.G. McFadden is editing an issue of AEQ on information literacy. He should like to have papers by librarians and/or other faculty members on this topic, according to the manuscript guidelines descibed on the AEQ Web site. If you have a (short) paper just burning to get out, take a look. If you have a friend who might want to contribute something, please let him/her know. Here�s how to find out about the topic and the process:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on "Academic Exchange"
  3. Click on "Invitation"
  4. Click on "Call for Manuscripts"
  5. Click on "Content and Publication Schedule"
  6. Scroll down to the Fall 2001 issue description


Management Science

A special issue of Management Science will deal with creating, retaining and transferring Knowledge. The topic of knowledge management has generated considerable interest in recent years. Evidence is beginning to accumulate on how organisations create, retain and transfer knowledge. This special issue of Management Science aims to synthesise what is known about knowledge management and stimulate new research on this important issue.

Research on knowledge management has tended to accumulate in relatively isolated intellectual communities. There has been relatively little consideration of how developments in one community relate to research in another. As a result, important tensions exist across communities. For example, what is the role of dense versus sparse networks in knowledge management? Similarly, how do redundant versus novel experiences affect learning? What kind of organisational environment is most conducive to the creation, retention, and transfer of knowledge?

Papers are sought that identify the factors that promote the creation, retention, and transfer of knowledge as well as the consequences of knowledge management for organisational performance. We are also seeking papers that address the trade-offs and relations between the creation, retention, and transfer of knowledge. We are especially interested in empirical papers and invite submissions based on diverse methods and different levels of analysis. After the first round of reviews authors of the most promising papers will be invited to a Special Issue conferenceon knowledge management at Carnegie Mellon University.

All papers will be subject to a rigorous refereeing process. Manuscripts must not exceed 32 double-spaced pages (in 12 pt type) including all tables and figures. The deadline for submission is March 1, 2001. Submit five copies of papers to one of the guest editors below.

Linda Argote, Bill McEvily, Ray Reagans
Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Room 316
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213


The Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Information Supply

This journal is always looking for articles concerning ILL software systems. Even if we have published articles previously, the software evolves over time, so that new data is needed. Although technical articles are good, experiences with selection, installation and operation are also useful. Unlike the recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education demonstrating the sheer nastiness of some article reviewers, The Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Information Supply does not allow nasty or unfair behaviour on the part of referees. Our reviewers are fair and supportive. We all want to publish, but we have a million reasons to delay. The largest impediment to publishing is just not starting. As Nike says, "just do it".

Leslie R. Morris
The Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Information Supply
54 Northwood Drive
Lancaster, NY 14043
[email protected]


Transforming Traditional Libraries

Transforming Traditional Libraries ( is looking for articles for future issues. Transforming Traditional Libraries is a peer-reviewed e-journal designed to explore the ongoing evolution of librarianship. Coverage will include resources such as digital collections, electronic indices, OPACs, Internet research, bibliographic instruction, as well as skill such as information literacy. The journal will focus on exploring how libraries and librarians integrate these new technologies and services with more traditional ones. We welcome papers that will inform, enlighten, amuse, and further the discussion of librarians as they confront and solve the challenges of the modern library.


Contributions invited

Whilst preparing this feature, the writer realised that the journal she edited, Library Management was not short of copy, but would welcome new contributions. The journal is refereed and carries research papers, case studies. It is international in scope. Instructions for authors available from Patricia Layzell Ward e-mail: [email protected].


Academic Exchange Quarterly, an independent peer-reviewed print journal, welcomes a variety of articles with focus on effective instruction and learning regardless of level or subject. For more information and themes of upcoming issues see the info web at


Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP) ( is a peer-reviewed electronic journal which appears twice a year, once in fall and once in spring. This is a call for papers for Vol. 4, no. 1 (Fall 2001). Submit manuscripts (2,000-6,000 words) to the editors electronically in any IBM-compatible word-processing format, or in HTML. Deadline for submissions for Vol. 4, no. 1 is May 1, 2001. LPP publishes articles that demonstrate the connection between library practice and the philosophy and theory behind it. LPP publishes reports of successful, innovative, or experimental library procedures, methods, or projects in all areas of librarianship, including both public and technical services. These reports are set in the context of applied research, with reference to current, past, and emerging theories of library practice.


American Studies

Although scholarship on libraries has told us much about the user in the life of the library, it has told us considerably less about the library in the life of the user. How much do we really know about the place of these ubiquitous institutions in American society and culture? How should we analyse the role of libraries in the modern information age? The Fall 2001 issue of American Studies seeks papers that analyse the American library as an agency of culture. The Editors welcome papers that bring new methodological, theoretical, geographic, and cultural perspectives to the American library in its past or present forms, and that evaluate in new ways the cultural agencies performed by libraries in American life, including: concepts of the library; libraries as contested sites for the production, storage, and dissemination of �cultural capital� (public and private libraries, archives, the USIA, bookmobiles, special collections, etc.); the social and psychological history of reading facilitated by libraries; the material history of libraries (design, architecture, furniture, impact of new technology, etc.); the library�s interface with particular communities (prisons, hospitals, churches, factories, etc.); the organisation and sociology of knowledge (librarianship and the professions, cataloguing and classification systems, etc.); the use and appropriation of libraries by particular populations (Asian, Hispanic, African and Native Americans, children, homeless, immigrants, workers, women, gays and lesbians, etc.); the representation of libraries and librarians in literature, film, television, the arts, etc.

Submissions should: conform to style conventions found in American Studies; not exceed 6,000 words (excluding endnotes); and be accompanied by a 100-word abstract. Authors are asked not to put their names on the manuscript. All inquiries should be address to issue editors. Deadline for submission: 1 February 2001. Send one copy of the manuscript to each of the issue editors:

Wayne A. Wiegand, Professor
School of Library and Info. Studies
University of Wisconsin-Madison University of Minnesota
Madison, WI 53706 Minneapolis, MN 55455
[email protected]

Thomas Augst, Assistant Professor
Dept. of English, 207 Lind Hall
University of Wisconsin-Madison University of Minnesota
Madison, WI 53706 Minneapolis, MN 55455
[email protected]

and two copies to:
Editors, American Studies
2120 Wescoe Hall
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045


Reference & User Services Quarterly (RUSQ) invites manuscripts addressing topics and issues in the broad areas of reference and services to user populations. As the official journal of the Reference and User Services Association, a division of the American Library Association, RUSQ shares the Association�s devotion to supporting, enhancing and improving reference and information services in all types of libraries and user services for all age groups. The journal also emphasises all varieties of services to adults. For more information see:

RUSQ tables of contents for the most recent three years are available at


Information Research Volume 6 Number 1 (October) will be devoted mainly to Web research, edited by Dr. Amanda Spink of Pennsylvania State University. However, other papers (refereed or working) are also welcome and should be submitted according to requirements set out at

Updated 9th April 2001

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