The Library Link/MCB University Press workshop series is an innovative medium for dialogue between a publisher and its market. It combines face-to-face with virtual meetings, giving librarians the opportunity to inform the product and service development of MCB University Press.

IFLA 2000

Monday 14th August 2000

Topics for discussion are:


Friday 14th January 2000

The workshop resulted in a number of suggestions for publishers:


In response MCB has:


Monday 23rd August 1999

The workshop resulted in a number of suggestions for publishers:

In response MCB has:


Friday 29th January 1999

This workshop held in Philadelphia resulted in a number of suggestions as follows.

How publishers can help librarians do their jobs in the electronic age By helping librarians to market the information service per se in their organisations; and specific information resources to service users. Publishers should consider providing:

Publishers should also take responsibility for providing a perpetual archive of their output. The complexity of electronic publishing output, changing technology, and therefore the expense which would be involved if each library took responsibility for a perpetual archive of its collections, mitigate against them undertaking this role in the electronic age. Ditto national libraries, or their equivalent. Until there is agreement on how this should be done, publishers should provide temporary solutions by archiving their:

and providing access direct and/or via an acceptable 3rd party, e.g. an aggregator, or JSTOR. Publishers should also take steps to ensure that these archives are inviolable.

When a library cancels a subscription to an electronic resource, it would like a choice as to the medium of the copy it receives for access in perpetuity – would like the option of CD-ROM or download from the Publisher’s server, so they can organise works by subject.

How publishers can add value to information resources

Multimedia access

Catering for different learning styles among information resource users

A searchable subject gateway across publishers

Putting information into context, e.g. via recipes on how to get an introduction to a subject/further information on a subject; pathfinders.

Providing training for those who will be training the users of information resources

Customisation options

Online subject gateways should be managed by librarians, and should:

Functionality should be a mix of:

  1. Author links
  2. Links to Web sites and publishers’ databases
  3. Links to OPACs
  4. Links from OPACs to resources themselves, or a means of accessing all resources All with the minimum of bureaucracy of access. They should also incorporate a user profile alert service.

Publishers can help librarians provide these services by:

In response MCB has:


Monday 17th August 1998

The workshop during IFLA ‘98 provided a number of suggestions on how publishers can help librarians:

In response MCB: